Methinks I would not read this call of God to Abram, and observe the Patriarch’s ready faith to obey it, without begging grace from God to attend to the many precious invitations with which I am called upon to follow Jesus in the regeneration; and, like Abram, to arise, leave house and home, and kindred, and relations; and by faith become the follower of them who now through faith and patience inherit the promises.
And oh! that He, who endued the patriarch with such holy fortitude, would arm my mind with the like confidence, that amidst every discouragement, against hope I might believe in hope; and trust God where I cannot trace Him.
Dearest Jesus! grant me as Thou didst the patriach the frequent visits of Thy love, and then whatever famine shall arise, or straits surround me, in the midst of all, a wilderness with Thee will to my soul be far preferable to a land flowing with milk and honey without Thee!
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