"But the flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat" (Genesis 9:4).
There is somewhat very striking in this precept; and which is more than once again repeated, under the law, with the reason of its appointment (cf. Leviticus 17:10-11).
No doubt the grand object aimed at all along is in reference to the Blood of Atonement by the Lord Jesus.
And it is a matter of infinite moment, worthy the reader's closest regard, how particular the Holy Ghost hath been in every age of the church, from the fall of man to the death of Christ, to keep alive this leading doctrine in the minds of the people.
"And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth" (Genesis 9:16).
Reader! do not forget, while perusing these verses, to turn to two passages in the book of the Revelations; chapter 4:3 and chapter 10:1.
Can anything be more decisive, in proof that all that is here said, refers to the person and covenant-righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If your feelings correspond with mine, from the perusal of this sweet chapter, you will like to dwell with peculiar rapture on what God saith in it concerning the rainbow: and if, under the Holy Ghost's teaching, you are led to discover some of these precious things which seem to be connected with it, you will love to consider it again and again ... .
Though I know that beautiful arch it forms in the heavens is produced from natural causes, and is constructed solely from the reflection of the sunbeams on the drops of rain; yet do I not know also that the God of nature is the God of grace too, and that such is the sovereignty of His goodness and His power, that all things are made to act subordinate to His high designs, who worketh according to the counsel of His own will.
And shall I not indulge the pleasing thought when my God causeth this glorious object to be hung out for man's notice in the heavens, though the means of producing it be natural, yet the sign intended from it is gracious?
Great Father of mercies! hast Thou said that Thou wilt set Thy bow in the cloud, that it shall be a token of Thy merciful engagements to mankind, that Thou wilt look upon it and that Thou wilt remember Thine everlasting covenant?
O! then, give me grace to look upon it also, and to behold in it by an eye of faith that mighty Angel, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom John the beloved apostle in after ages saw clothed with a rainbow round the throne.
May I so look by grace until mine eye awakens all the affections of my heart, and my soul is confirmed and established in the full assurance of faith and dependence upon all the covenant promises of God the Father, in Christ Jesus the Lord.
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